Sunday, April 17, 2011


Wedded Rocks

Sunday afternoon proved to be warm and sunny; a perfect day to see the sights on the way back from the tip of Noto. The first stop was a rocky arch called "Ganmon." The second stop was for the wedded rocks called "Hatago Iwa." These are sacred rocks which represent the union of male and female.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

A weekend in Noto

This little road trip to Noto was a momentous weekend in my mind; first it was the last hoorah with a good friend who has since returned to the U.S., second, it marked the first weekend of the new semester and last, it was the first time I've driven in Japan (I'm not counting the test course).

My friend, Maylee, loves onsens, so we went to the northern tip of the Noto Penninsula and stayed in a lovely and rustic ryoukan called Lampo no yado. At first I was bummed that there was only one outdoor bath, but the views from the tub more than made up for this fact. The ryoukan is nestled in a bluff on the coast and the view of the sunrise (in the tub, mind you) was spectacular.