Wednesday, October 14, 2009

There and Back Again

It's been a while and I'm not ashamed to admit that I have never been terribly constant! So, true to form, I let days, weeks and months slip by without realizing it. (Or sometimes I realize it and just don;t get around to any updates). Anyhow, a lot has happened since three months have lapsed; in particular, I went home to VT... and now I'm back again.

Vermont in the summer... ah, it's lovely. There is so much greenery that at times it can hurt to look around! I'm excited to say that there was plenty of hiking to be had, sailing to be done, rivers to explore, berries to pick and of course, family dinners and visits with friends.

I spent three glorious weeks back in my old stomping grounds. The more places I explore, the more appreciation I have for this lovely, magical place.

Above: Just one of many family dinners.

Above: A shot of the local swimming hole known as "the Bristol Falls" to folks who don't live here and "Bartlett's Falls" to those who do!

Above: Abbey Pond in East Middlebury.

Above: What fun to be sailing again. Here's the sunset on Lake Champlain.

Above: The view from "Sunset" in Lincoln.

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